What is project one?

Project ONE is our approach to all things people, ethos and culture.
It’s our approach to everything really. ONE approach, ONE focus, ONE standard. This is the first project that we ever started and it’s a project that will never be complete as every day we are learning, understanding and simply getting better at what we do and how we do it

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One Culture

Our goal is to build a single focussed collaborative culture where our team are happy to share learning and shout about ideas. We have a culture that looks out for one another and whilst we may have departmental goals or individual targets for quality or compliance or support solution, we are there for one another in the same way that we are there for our customers and the entire business. We’re creating a non-stuffy culture with open and flexible working that helps us to provide the type of support to our customers that they need to entirely rely up on us and trust that we’ll be there, every time. We avoid bureaucracy at all costs and we encourage transparency with every interaction that we have. We’ve banned BCC and we’re proactively encouraging our team to avoid email and wherever possible to talk with our customers. There is so much more you can gain from hearing someone’s voice as they’ll often giveaway their need state and give you a far better insight of urgency and importance. Project ONE will never end – but we can make it continuously improve and that’s our goal.

One Attitude

‘Yes’ is not always the answer. Sometimes it might be a different answer or the initial question may even be countered with further investigation – but whatever the answer is, our attitude remains the same and will always be to assist our customers in the most appropriate manner, with the most suitable service, and in the swiftest and most efficient time frame that fits with their agenda. It is this attitude that has helped us to grow relationships and retain customers and it’s this attitude that will help us to continue to attract and retain the best engineers and operators within our sector. We want our customers to report that we have ‘a great attitude’ and we want them to know that this will never change. Project One is a vehicle that we use to continually monitor our team and their approach and in this area of our business we see no reason to compromise.

One Focus

We’re not in the business of making friends, we’re in the business of making IT happen, but there is no reason why we cannot make friends at the same time and our focus remains on the nurturing of people, teams, customers and relationships. Focus is a great word for businesses in a corporate context and individuals in their everyday lives. We believe in retaining focus at all times, keeping a close eye on what we are doing, how we are doing it and how people are feeling about all of this – and by ‘people’ we mean everyone, all stakeholders from the team that clean our offices to the largest customer we retain. We want to know that we’re saying and doing the right things and that we’re acting in the right way and, importantly, in a manner that fosters empathy and endearment. It might not sound like the typical vocabulary of an IT business, but this is it, this is who we are.

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Project one aligns with thepillars of our organisation

quality assured

channel only



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